President Tarja Halonen’s national and international work in the fields of sustainable development, gender equality and promotion of minority rights has been acknowledged.
Department of Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä awarded their gender equality prize to President Halonen, as Finland celebrated equality on Minna Canth Day on 19 March. The prize was given in recognition of the especially distinguished work, both nationally and internationally, in the promotion of gender equality.
President Halonen participated at the 7th International Roma women’s conference in Hanaholmen on 26 March. Her opening statement can be read here. In Hanaholmen, President Halonen received the Roma Integration Award by the European Roma and Travellers Forum and the National Roma Centrum (North Macedonia).
Pekka Kuusi Ecofoundation sr. (Ekosäätiö) presented the 2019 Pekka Kuusi Environment Award to President Halonen on 25 April. President Halonen was acknowledged for her remarkable and long-standing work for sustainable development, also as a global leader.