

Council of Women World Leaders Exchange with President Tarja Halonen

October 22, 2021

  On 21 October 2021, the Council of Women World Leaders and International Gender Champions co-hosted a leadership exchange with the former President of Finland and a member of the Council of Women World Leaders, Tarja Halonen. The session, which took place in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow, was opened by moderator Ambassador Chad Blackman, Permanent Representative of […]

Women Leaders Across the World Urge to Protect Afghan Women and Girls

September 20, 2021

  PRESS RELEASE, Helsinki 20.09.2021 The former President of Finland, Tarja Halonen has published a plea today to protect the rights and wellbeing of women and girls in Afghanistan now that the Taleban have seized power in the country. The plea has been signed by a number of other prominent female leaders such as Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of […]

President’s voice in UN Secretary-General’s newest report “Our Common Agenda”

September 16, 2021

  In early September, United Nations’ Secretary-General António Guterres released a report titled “Our Common Agenda”. The report underlines the need to reinvigorate multilateralism, cooperation and collective decision-making, between the UN member states in tackling future challenges as well as the ongoing pandemic. Here, the United Nations have been pointed to the centre of all efforts. As part of Secretary-General’s […]

9. Nevsky International Ecological Conference - Collaboration is needed in sustainable development

May 31, 2021

President Tarja Halonen participated in the 9th Nevsky International Ecological Conference on May 28th, 2021 through videochat from her office in Helsinki. In her speech, president Halonen highlighted the significance of collaboration in dealing with global sustainability challenges, like the Covid-19 -pandemic or climate change. Good examples of such local cooperation are the marine protection in the Baltic Sea region […]

Hyvää Vappua 2021! // Happy 1st of May 2021!

April 29, 2021

Presidentti Halosen toimisto palvelee vappuaattona 30.4.2021 klo 9 – 12. Hyvin kiireellisissä asoissa voitte olla yhteydessä Tasavallan presidentin kansliaan 0295 22 6000.   Office of President Halonen is in service on 30th of April from 9 – 12. In very urgent matters, please contact the office of President of Republic of Finland +358 (0)295 22 6000.

WHO Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development called for action on March 16th, 2021

March 26, 2021

President Halonen is representing Finland in the WHO Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, which is an independent group comprised of former heads of sates and governments, heads of health, social care and financial institutions, leaders of the business community and life scientists and economics. There are 19 members in the Commission, drawing lessons from how different  countries in […]

Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta 2021 // Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021

December 22, 2020

Presidentti Halosen toimisto palvelee jälleen ensi vuonna 7.1. Hyvin kiireellisissä asioissa voitte olla yhteydessä Tasavallan presidentin kansliaan 0295 22 6000 Office of President Halonen is in service again in next year 7.1. In very urgent cases please contact the office of President of Republic of Finland +358 (0)295 22 6000

Exceptional times do not hinder meetings & seminars altogether – Implementation requires creativity & flexibility

April 15, 2020

President Tarja Halonen continues her active work to promote Sustainable Development Goals even if both national and international meetings and seminars are either postponed or arranged digitally. As one example of successful digital conference ”Kastelholm`s talks on peace” was held in Åland Peace Institute at the end of March 2020.  The event has taken place every year since 2014 and […]

President Tarja Halonen was elected for Sitra`s new Board of Directors

April 15, 2020

A new Board of Directors for Sitra (The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra) was elected on March 2020.  As new members of Sitra`s Board of Directors will start: Tarja Halonen, former President of the Republic of Finland Keijo Hämäläinen, Rector, University of Jyväskylä Anita Lehikoinen, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Culture. Päivi Nerg, Permanent Under-Secretary, Ministry of Finance. Jorma Ollila,Sc. in […]

The Future of Work Summit

January 20, 2020

President Tarja Halonen participated to a high-level summit and panel discussion in Geneva in November 2019. The summit concentrated on the future of work in the context of the International Labour Organization Centenary and the 2030 Agenda. The summit took place in the Graduat Institute Geneva and it was organized by the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations […]

UN General Assembly High-Level Week in September 2019

November 26, 2019

  Greetings from New York! UN General Assembly High-Level Week in September 2019 This year, the opening week of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly was more extensive than usual, as inter alia, the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit (23/9) and the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (24-25/9) convened at the level of Heads of State. President […]

OSCE Conference on the Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Life

November 26, 2019

President Tarja Halonen participated in November 2019 to a OSCE conference in Lund, marking the 20th anniversary of The Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Life. OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Lamberto Zannier opened the conference and in his opening speech Mr. Zannier said:” “The premise of the Lund Recommendations is that when people […]

President Tarja Halonen received the Baltic Star Award October 2019

November 15, 2019

President Tarja Halonen`s work for the Baltic Sea region was acknowledged and rewarded in October 2019 in St. Petersburg Heremitage Theatre. The Baltic Star Award is conferred to workers of culture and art, representatives of official and business circles, public workers for consolidating culture ties between countries of the Baltic Region. The Award was originally established in 2004 by the […]

Gender equality, human rights, health and wellbeing at the core of Women Deliver Conference

July 23, 2019

Globally recognized Women Deliver Conference on gender equality was organized in Vancouver in early June 2019. Human rights of indigenous women and girls was an important theme at the event, and President Halonen took part in a panel discussion on this matter, in her role as the Alternate Co-Chair of ‘Every Woman Every Child’ steering group. Also, she was a […]

President Halonen emphasized the role of Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva

July 22, 2019

President Halonen participated at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva on 14-16 May. Women’s stronger role in disaster risk reduction and preparedness was underlined in a panel, where speakers included e.g. President Halonen and Assistant Secretary-General Mami Mizutori (UNDRR). President Halonen also made an opening statement at a ministerial round table, where linkages between disaster risk reduction, […]

President Halonen’s work on national and international fora acknowledged and awarded

June 7, 2019

President Tarja Halonen’s national and international work in the fields of sustainable development, gender equality and promotion of minority rights has been acknowledged. Department of Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä awarded their gender equality prize to President Halonen, as Finland celebrated equality on Minna Canth Day on 19 March. The prize was given in recognition of the especially distinguished work, […]

Gender is not plan B in the Arctic

March 28, 2019

Gender equality and sustainable development in the Arctic were President Halonen’s main themes during the UArctic Congress 2018. “Women of the Arctic” interviewed President Halonen about the challenges of the Arctic, involvement of women and girls, gender equality at the workplace, and beyond. Videos can be found here

Speech by President Halonen at the International Roma Women's Conference in Helsinki on 25 March 2019

March 27, 2019


President Halonen takes part in the biggest equality event in Britain on International Women’s Day 2019

February 27, 2019

Women of the World festival celebrates women and girls for two days over the International Women’s Day at the Southbank Centre London. President Halonen will participate in a panel discussion about global feminism with speakers including singer Annie Lennox and anti-FGM activist Nimiko Ali. The first WOW – Women of the World festival was launched by Jude Kelly CBE at Southbank Centre in […]

Greetings from Brussels!

January 25, 2019

President Tarja Halonen met people from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and participated in Sustainable Development Goals and risks -workshop during her visit to Brussels. President Halonen had a meeting with Paola Albrito, Head Regional Office for Europe at UNISDR, and Rosalind Cook, External Relations Officer, to strengthen her future cooperation with UNISDR. Halonen has been a […]

Sustainable society needs science - President Halonen gave a speech about the future of Universities

January 14, 2019

The future higher education and science! -seminar brought together university representatives, ministry officials, academics and students into a dialogue for the future of science and education in Finland. At her speech President Halonen emphasized the importance of the discussion around these topics especially before the upcoming Parliamentary and European Elections. – The sustainable society needs science and research based policy […]

Policymakers gathered to discuss the future of science and universities

December 14, 2018

President Halonen participated in Thinkfest-forum, an event organised by University of Helsinki, where over 60 decision-makers were invited to talk about future Finnish education and science policy. The opening panel was constructed to discuss issues related to the controversial expectations that universities face, the state of Finnish science in global arenas and science policy. President Halonen emphasized the importance of […]

Nordic Women Mediators convened in Copenhagen November 22

November 23, 2018

President Halonen participated in Nordic Women Mediators Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. The thematic focus of the year was Syrian peace process and women’s participation in peace processes. President Halonen is a member of UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation. Women’s voice in peace negotiations is still rarely heard even though they make up half of the population. Women have […]

Responsible Organising #2- Let’s Rethink Society! 13 November

November 16, 2018

President Halonen gave opening speech at the Responsible Organising #2- Let’s Rethink Society! – event at the Hanken School of Economics 13th of November. President also participated in panel discussion which focused on corporate social responsibility and social justice. More information can be read from the conference website. In the conference, the aim was at discussing how can we collectively and responsibly take on the challenges […]

President Halonen message for the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2018

October 15, 2018

This year the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, focused on economic losses. President Halonen, UN Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction, underlines the role of risk awareness in our societies and empowering women in disaster risk reduction in her video message for the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2018.

United Nations High-Level Week 24-28 September 2018

October 10, 2018

President Halonen attended the UN High-Level week in New York 24-28 September. The 73rd General Assembly was opened on Tuesday 25 September. During the week President took part in various meetings and seminars regarding sustainable development and her engagements with different UN organizations. In the beginning of the week she, for example, attended to Women Deliver event that opened the […]

The Club of Rome 50th Anniversary Seminar in Helsinki on 20 September 2018

September 21, 2018

The Club of Rome 50th Anniversary Seminar was held in Helsinki on September 20th 2018. President Halonen is a member of the future research forum The Club of Rome and in her speech at the seminar she addressed the social and societal aspects of global challenges. Other speakers at the event were Co-President of the Club of Rome, Anders Wijkman […]

Gender Equality and Climate Change in the arctic were main themes discussed at the University of the Arctic World Congress closing event

September 10, 2018

University of Arctic World Congress gathered together over 530 participants to its host cities Oulu and Helsinki. At the congress closing event 7.9.2018 president Halonen gave a speech in which she focused on gender equality in the arctic. President also participated in panel discussion about climate chance and the arctic. Congress was a part of Finland’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council […]

Speech by President Halonen at the VII Nordic Congress of Lymphology

September 7, 2018

VII Nordic Congress of Lymphology                                                                                                                                                      Check against delivery 6.9.2018 Paasitorni   Tarja Halonen   Also on my behalf, a very warm welcome to (still) summerly Helsinki! Science gives us important information on human beings and their wellbeing. In many respects, we are in the beginning of an interesting path towards deeper understanding. New technologies pave the way towards conquering the […]

Transforming Global Health and Development Through Human Rights

August 3, 2018

President Halonen served as a Co-Chair of the High-Level Working Group on the Health and Human Rights of Women, Children and Adolescents in 2016-2017 at the UN. Please find through this link an article, written by the Working Group Co-Chairs about realizing human rights to health and through health.  

UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation had its meeting in Helsinki on 18 June 2018

July 9, 2018

High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation of UN Secretary-General António Guterres had a meeting in Helsinki on 18 June. After an inaugural meeting of the Board in New York last year, this was the Advisory Board’s second encounter, co-organized by Finland and Indonesia. The Advisory Board deliberates on questions related to peace processes and conflict prevention. On 18 June, after an […]

UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation had its meeting in Helsinki on 18 June 2018

June 19, 2018

High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation of UN Secretary-General António Guterres had a meeting in Helsinki on 18 June. After an inaugural meeting of the Board in New York last year, this was the Advisory Board’s second encounter, co-organized by Finland and Indonesia. The Advisory Board deliberates on questions related to peace processes and conflict prevention. On 18 June, after an […]

Meeting with regional women mediators' networks in Oslo

April 19, 2018

President Halonen participated on 22-23 March at a meeting in Oslo, gathering regional women mediators’ networks together. Nordic Women Mediators, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRIO and NOREF welcomed representatives of regional networks (FemWise-Africa, Mediterranean Women Mediators Network), UN and regional organizations to discuss future cooperation, and possibilities for establishing a global alliance of regional women mediators’ networks. Amongst other […]

President Halonen’s visit in Jordan and Lebanon, 19-23 February 2018

February 28, 2018

President Halonen visited Jordan and Lebanon on 19-23 February. The trip was organized by the Finnish Embassy in Beirut, the Finn Church Aid and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. During her stay, president Halonen met with political leaders of both countries, as well as representatives of the international organizations and local entities. She also visited Zaatari refugee camp […]

Speech by President Halonen in Women Executives in Media Meeting on 8 February

February 8, 2018

EBU: Women Executives in Media 5th Meeting: Women and Sport Thursday, February 8th, 2018  Former President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen Keynote Speech on Women and Sport / Check against delivery Dear representatives of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and national broadcasters, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with great appreciation that I participate in this 5th meeting of […]

Tarja Halonen to chair the Board of the Uni­versity of Hel­sinki

January 29, 2018

The Board of the University of Helsinki selected President Tarja Halonen as chair at its organisation meeting on 20 December 2017.  The term of the Board is four years, 1 January 2018-31 December 2021. Halonen emphasises that the University has great relevance to society on many levels. – It gives Finland the chance to succeed in international competition and care […]

Office of President Halonen opens again on 8 January 2018

December 24, 2017

Office of President Halonen is closed for Christmas. Season’s Greetings!

UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation met in New York on 27 November 2017

December 7, 2017

President Tarja Halonen participated at the invitation of the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in the first meeting of the High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation in New York on 27 November 2017. The panel provides advice to the Secretary-General and makes assessments of ongoing conflicts and peace processes. Most of the members of the panel were present in the first meeting. […]

Some paragraphs from President Halonen’s speech at the Saint-Petersburg State University on 21 November 2017: What should we do for concrete results in sustainable development?

November 25, 2017

All coastal countries of the Baltic Sea and the EU have agreed to work towards a healthy Baltic Sea environment. We need to restore a good ecological status of the marine environment by the year 2021. There is a long tradition of good cooperation by neighbours along the coasts of the Baltic. In 2010, Baltic Sea Action Summit process started […]

President Halonen at UNESCO's IPDCtalks event in Paris

November 10, 2017

President Halonen participated in IPDCtalks with a theme “Powering Sustainable Development with Access to Information” held by UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) in Paris in September 2017. The IPDC talks was held to highlight the importance of access to information for sustainable development. The speech by President Halonen: A short interview:

President Halonen to High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation

September 16, 2017

Press Releases, 9/16/2017 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Press release 159/2017 16.9.2017 Former president of Finland Tarja Halonen has been appointed to membership of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory board on mediation. The panel is based on an initiative to intensify mediation, made by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The panel provides advice to the Secretary-General and makes assessments of ongoing conflicts […]

President Halonen's video message on disaster risk reduction

April 5, 2017

President Tarja Halonen encourages delegates to keep gender issues high on the agenda ahead of the Cancun Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction. “The Global Platform in Cancun will be a crucial venue to reiterate the importance of increasingly involving women in disaster risk management. Women’ s active participation in Disaster Risk Reduction policies and implementation is essential if we […]

Landmark working group on the health and human rights of women, children and adolescents meets in Geneva

February 13, 2017

GENEVA – 9 FEBRUARY 2017 A group of champions and experts met in Geneva this week to reaffirm the urgency of putting human rights at the heart of global efforts to improve the health of women, children and adolescents – including the poorest, and those living in conflict zones and as refugees. “At a time when a record number of […]

President Halonen's written statement of support for the inauguration of the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases on 11 November 2016

November 11, 2016

President Tarja Halonen sent a written statement of support for the inauguration of the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases, which was held in New York at the United Nations on Friday 11 November 2016. “Today like yesterday, I firmly believe that there shall be no genuine progress in addressing the grand challenges of human rights and social development if we […]

Landmark high-level working group puts health of women, children and adolescents at heart of human rights and development agenda - President Halonen to Co-Chair the Group

September 21, 2016

  New York – A landmark high-level working group launched today aims to put the health of women, children and adolescents at the heart of the global human rights and development agenda. By looking for the most innovative ways to translate human rights into a reality, the Working Group for the Health and Human Rights of Women, Children and Adolescents […]

Key Note Speech by President Halonen at the World Day to Combat Desertification

July 13, 2016

KEY NOTE SPEECH BY PRESIDENT TARJA HALONEN AT THE WORLD DAY TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION BEIJING, CHINA, 17 JUNE 2016 Distinguished Minister Zhang Jianlong, Executive Secretary Monique Barbut, dear Friends, It is a great honor and pleasure to be here with you today as we observe the World Day to Combat Desertification. I would like to express my sincere thanks to […]

Speech by President Halonen at the Baltic Sea Forum on 20 May 2016

July 13, 2016

Baltic Sea Region Forum Turku, 20.5.2016 Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends of the Baltic Sea, It is a great pleasure to be here in Turku at the Baltic Sea Region Forum. I thank the organizers for having invited me to share a few thoughts on the importance of cooperation and dedication to the health and prosperity of the sea and […]

Speech by President Halonen in St. Petersburg on 18 May 2016

May 25, 2016

St. Petersburg Legal Forum Remarks by President Tarja Halonen Round Table Discussion, 18.5.2016 Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for the opening words. It is a great pleasure to be in St. Petersburg again. I thank the organizers of this Round Table Discussion and the Legal Forum very much for the invitation. I was not able to participate in this […]

Opening Remarks by President Halonen at the Aleksanteri Institute on 28 April 2016

April 28, 2016

Aleksanteri Institute 20th Anniversary Seminar University of Helsinki, 28.4.2016 Chancellor Thomas Wilhelmsson, professor and director Markku Kivinen, professors, students, dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, When the Aleksanteri Institute was founded 20 years ago, those where the years when Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia, Finland had joined the EU on January 1st 1995 and – being very personal – […]

Opening Speech by President Halonen at Nutrient Recycling Seminar on 20 April 2016

April 22, 2016

Recycle Nutrients for Clear Waters – Forum for Action 20.4.2016 Helsinki Opening Speech by President Tarja Halonen Excellences, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends I am delighted to welcome you here and to open this seminar which brings together so many different experts on circular economy and nutrient recycling. In September of 2015 world leaders agreed on Sustainable Development Goals and […]

President Halonen to serve on High-level Advisory Group for Every Woman Every Child

January 21, 2016

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has today announced the nomination of President Tarja Halonen as an alternate Co-Chair of the High-level Advisory Group for Every Woman Every Child. The Group will be co-chaired By Ms. Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile and Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia. The other alternate Co-Chair is Mr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, former President of […]

The Thomson Reuters Founders Share Company appoints President Tarja Halonen to its Board of Directors

December 22, 2015

The Thomson Reuters Founders Share Company acts as a guardian of the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Created in the midst of World War II in 1941, the Trust Principles apply to the entire Thomson Reuters business and are designed to preserve its independence, integrity and freedom from bias in the gathering and dissemination of information and news. The new appointment […]

Speech by President Halonen at the IUCN Regional Conservation Forum for Europe

December 22, 2015

Speech by President Tarja Halonen Patron of the IUCN Regional Conservation Forum for Europe, North & Central Asia, Helsinki, 14.12.2015   Dear Participants, Dear Friends, I would like to warmly welcome you to Finland. This is the first time that a Nordic country is hosting this Forum and we feel very proud. We have a wonderful group of people gathered […]

President Halonen writes about the Paris 2015 Climate Conference in the Huffington Post

December 11, 2015

Women Need Bigger Role in — and After — Paris The Huffington Post Posted: 12/09/2015 4:37 pm EST Updated: 12/09/2015 5:59 pm EST The Paris Climate Summit is the first test for the global community to show that it is serious about the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Agenda. Climate change is a grave threat to our planet and […]

Op-ed by President Halonen and President Bachelet of Chile in the Huffington Post: A Sustainable Future for All

September 29, 2015

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will be a landmark agreement. It has the potential to become for the 21st Century what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was for the 20th Century. One hundred ninety-three countries will unanimously adopt the holistic and highly complex Agenda, and they will commit to implementing it. The adoption will be a festive moment […]

Speech by President Halonen in the High level conference on Missing persons - Way forward, Kosovo

September 24, 2015

Strengthening and modernizing forensic services in Kosovo President Tarja Halonen High level conference on Missing persons – Way forward on Tuesday, 8th September 2015, Pristina, Kosovo    Honorable President Jahjaga, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honor to have this opportunity to address you at this Conference on Missing persons – Way forward in Kosovo. Peace has now prevailed […]

Speech by President Halonen in the Inclusive and Quality Education for All Conference in Kosovo

September 24, 2015

Inclusive and Quality Education for All Conference Speech by President Tarja Halonen Pristina, September 8, 2015   Honorable President Jahjaga, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is an honor to be in Kosovo and to address you at this important conference “Inclusive and Quality Education for All”. I am very thankful for the organizers for having invited me and I am happy […]

Opening Statement by President Halonen at the seminar "UN at 70: Still Going Strong" hosted by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and The Erik Castrén Institute" on 28 August 2015

September 24, 2015

UN at 70: Still Going Strong, Säätytalo, 28 August 2015 Opening statement by President Halonen “We the Peoples of the United Nations” – The contribution of the UN Charter to a better world for all   Ladies and Gentlemen, dear participants, It’s a wonderful opportunity to be here and to address you at this important gathering. The anniversary of the […]

President Halonen in the Huffington Post: To Achieve Food Security, We Must Prioritize Women's Rights as Human Rights

September 3, 2015

At the end of this month, world leaders will converge on United Nations headquarters in New York to affirm and formally adopt the global sustainable development priorities for the next 15 years. All of the goals are laudable and worth pursuing. They are intertwined and should be pursued simultaneously. Achieving them will immeasurably improve the lives of billions of people. […]

Panel discussion in the annual seminar of the Oslo Center on 19 May

June 4, 2015

The Oslo Center Annual Seminar “Is democracy on the decline in Europe?” 19 May, 2015, Oslo Opening statement by President Tarja Halonen in a panel   We Europeans tend to be pessimistic about the current state and the future of democracy in the world. However, it is important to remember that facts don’t always support this view. The independent watchdog Freedom […]

Welcome address by President Tarja Halonen at the Third UNCCD Scientific Conference on March 9, 2015, Cancún, Mexico

March 25, 2015

MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF POVERTY ERADICATION, LAND DEGRADATION NEUTRALITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Distinguished Chairman Uriel SAFRIEL, (Chair of the UNCCD Committee on Science and Technology), General Director of the National Forestry Commission Jorge RESCALA PEREZ, Governor Roberto BORGE ANGULO Dear Executive Secretary of UNCCD Monique BARBUT, Dear Participants, It is a great honor to be here with you at this […]

The UN Secretary-General welcomed President Halonen as the third UN Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction

March 20, 2015

Press Release, 10 March 2015 – UNISIDR 2015/06 UN SECRETARY-GENERAL’S BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS IN SENDAI 10 March 2015, GENEVA – The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, will personally welcome the former President of Finland, Ms. Tarja Halonen, as the third UN Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) when he shares breakfast on Sunday with DRR advocates from around the world […]

The Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Award presented to President Halonen

March 6, 2015

President Tarja Halonen received on 4th March the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick award in Washington, DC. It was presented by the Women’s Democracy Network at the International Republican Institute in conjunction with the International Women’s Day. The Award recognizes honorees for their commitment to increase women’s political and civic participation within their own communities and on behalf of women worldwide. The […]

The Politics of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Promoting Shared Societies

February 19, 2015

Club de Madrid Member Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland, and Abdurrahim El-Keib, former Prime Minister of Libya and Club de Madrid nominated Member, were the keynote speakers at the World Bank Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum 2015 opening session on “The Politics of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Promoting Shared Societies”, jointly organized with the Club de Madrid on February 11, […]

Former President of Finland Named as Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School

December 18, 2014

For Immediate Release: December 18, 2014 Former President of Finland Named as Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School CAMBRIDGE MA — Tarja Halonen, who served two terms as President of the Republic of Finland (2000-12), has been named as Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), it was announced today by HKS Dean David […]

President Tarja Halonen will attend the inauguration of Chile’s President

March 7, 2014

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Press Release 55/2014 7 March 2014 President Tarja Halonen will attend the inauguration ceremonies of President MichelleBachelet of Chile in Santiago de Chile and Valparaíso on 10–11 March. President Halonen will represent President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö at the inauguration ceremonies. President Halonen and President Bachelet already know each other from Bachelet’s first […]

Speech at the seminar of the Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS)

September 19, 2013

President Tarja Halonen’s speech at the seminar of the Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights (KIOS) on Human Rights Defenders as Actors of Social Change September 18, 2013 (check against delivery) Dear friends, it is a real pleasure to be here today. Human rights defenders are the people who on their own or with others take action to ensure the promotion and […]

Speech at the Opening Plenary of the UNECE Regional Conference

July 9, 2013

Statement by President Tarja Halonen, Co-Chair of the High-Level Task Force for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) “Sexual and reproductive health and rights as just – and smart – politics” Opening Plenary of the UNECE Regional Conference Enabling Choices: Population Priorities for the 21st Century July 1, 2013, Geneva Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, In 1994, Member States […]

Statement by President Tarja Halonen, Co-Chair of the High-Level Task Force for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) “Sexual and reproductive health and rights as just – and smart – politics”

June 9, 2013

Opening Plenary of the UNECE Regional Conference Enabling Choices: Population Priorities for the 21st Century July 1, 2013, Geneva Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, In 1994, Member States adopted the Programme of Action at the Cairo Conference. The rights and empowerment of women and adolescents, including their reproductive rights and health, were placed at the centre of population and sustainable development. […]

Pictures of Meggy the cat

April 19, 2013

Meggy the cat, who given as a present by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, arrived in Finland from Moscow in January 2013 at the age of five months. She has grown a lot since then and has a strong, active and sociable personality. A Neva Masquerade, she has adjusted well to life in Finland and was available for a […]

President Tarja Halonen launches High-Level Task Force for ICPD

October 9, 2012

In the context of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Segment, the High-Level Task Force on the International Conference on Population and Development was launched in New York on Monday. Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen and former President of Mozambique Joaquim Chissano are the co-chairs of the Task Force. President Halonen reminded the full audience gathered at the Ford […]

President Halonen to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro

July 16, 2012

President Tarja Halonen will participate in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 14–21 June. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited her to join him to present the report prepared by the UN High-level Panel on Global Sustainability on 21 June. President Tarja Halonen acted as co-chair of the High-level Panel and, in Rio she will continue her […]

Tarja Halonen at the Kapuscinski Lecture held on 7 May 2012 at the University of Helsinki

May 11, 2012

“Political leadership for sustainable development” It is a great honor to be invited to give a Kapuscinski  Lecture at the University of Helsinki.  And it is a pleasure to share the lecture with Helen Clark, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, a very respected person and my dear friend. My theme today is “Political Leadership for Sustainable Development”.  […]